Saturday, October 17, 2009

My first trip

South Korea was the only place I really ever felt at home. It was like I belonged there all my life. My first time I couldn't remember. I was only three months old when my mother took to South Korea for the first time. My second time I was fifteen years old. Upon arriving we all recieved hugs, and exclamations of how I'd grown so much. This being the second time they had seen me since I was a baby. After a week or so, my family had taken me in and made me feel like Korea was my country. The culture was mine to have, a little piece of electiness Icould take back to America. I loved the music, the times I spent with my cousins in the private karaoke rooms (norae-bong) literally translated; song room. The culture more defined by it's cuisine than anything else. South Korea is the eating country. Almost every eating institution is open late night, becuase, well that's what Koreans do. They eat unitl they simply can not eat anymore. It's the eating culture, but I love it. I loved everything about it. It was the complete opposite of the typical American rugged individulism, there in South Korea, there was no shame in spending time with your family, no shame in giving or recieving help from anyone else, no shame of loving one another. It was when I realized this about Korea that I fell in love with South Korea...

More to come later, if you like reading detailed travel blogs, then this'll be the blog for you *^_^*

Much Love,
Korean Eater


  1. Hey! :D
    Wow, you have a very interesting blog!
    Oh~ that sounds great! I would love it there.
    Haha~~ I love love food. ^^

    I saw your text on kpop_uploads on livejournal. ^.^
    If you don't mind I would love to follow your blog. :3

  2. I don't mind at all! Please do. And invite anyone you think would enjoy it =)
